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Dec 3, 2016

Let's Color Linky Party - taking a break

Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts, and sadly I don't even have a card to share today. Last couple weeks have been really busy and I still haven't had a chance to make a card...well I did make one for my dad's birthday but completely forgot to take a picture of it before it went into the mail. And he lives all the way in Germany, no way to take a picture afterwards :-( So nothing new to share...

Today is supposed to be the new post for the "Let's Color Linky party" but I had to come to the decision at this time to put the linky party on hold. This will also be the case with my Critters and Creatures Linky Party. I just don't seem to be able to get much paper crafting done! I am hoping to bring back the linky parties in the new year, but maybe not until February, because my husband is having a week of vacation this Christmas and so I don't want to spend the time card making. 
(This is just for the linky parties and I do still plan on posting creations when I make something, so not taking an actual blogging break.)

I do want to thank you all for your support of my linky  party over the last year, it was wonderful coming to visit your blogs and seeing your creations!

Time to announce the top choices from last month's linky party, my theme of "Christmas Foliage" did not seem very popular, but the entries following the theme were  gorgeous!

Patty Sue 2

 Jackie C.

Your top choice logo is below :-)

 And that is all for now. I will be back tomorrow and will finally have something new to share then!
Enjoy your Saturday!

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